Wednesday, October 8, 2008


We love legos!  Rick pulled out a bunch of his stuff from his youth and he and Mason had a great time during Conference last weekend.



clin82 said...

My name is Chuck Lincavage from Dallas, TX. The majority of my bloodline resides in PA. I was wondering where your family roots lead to. I have alot of cousins in PA and CA. I have never met another Lincavage in my life and it would be nice to speak to one that is not directly related to me.

Lynette said...

I have been secretly checking your blog, so I thought I would send you an invite to mine. Your family is getting so big!

Teri Lincavage said...

My name is Teri Lincavage. I live in Southern California. My father is Kenneth Lincavage and my grandfather is Andrew Lincavage from Pennsylvania. I too have never met another Lincavage I am not related to. Wondering if we are all somehow related.


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